Reading for Wellbeing

The living mountain

This is not an epic climb to a summit, it is a savouring of sleep on the heather of a sun warmed mountainside, of a gentle communion with foals and plants and rivulets.

The Big Music

This book is like no other that I have ever read. It sucks you in with its intensity and uniqueness. Even the above description feels inadequate but I am sure other readers will enjoy it.

Before I die

The book is life-affirming rather than depressing, and reminds us to cherish each moment we’re alive.

Child of All Nations

This is a fascinating read about a time when children had more freedom, the old order was being challenged and Europe was in turmoil.

Where nests the water-hen

I loved it for its beautiful descriptions of the landscapes and wilderness of this part of the world, and of a way of life which sounds idyllic, peaceful, and more in tune with nature.

When God was a rabbit

This book bring made me laugh out loud, angry and sad, but above all appreciate the love bonds we all have and should treasure.

The history of love

The history of love by Nicole Krauss This intricately woven story centres around ‘a book within a book’, tying together the lives of 14 year old Alma Singer and an […]

Me before you

Jojo Moyes doesn’t shy away from a controversial subject nor does she cop out come the conclusion.

Stag’s leap (poem)

The narrator has plumbed the depths but seems to be surfacing…

The well and the mine

it’s hopeful, funny, touching, thoughtful….