Glasgow Women's Library's first location on Hill Street

Join the GWL Team

We are seeking two new team members, a Project Coordinator and a Project Archivist, to help take forward Three Decades of Changing Minds: Marking 30 Years of Glasgow Women’s Library

Old photograph of a shop front in Garnethil with a a sign reading Women's Library in uneven text

GWL at 30

On this day in 1991, in a draughty little shopfront in Garnethill, Glasgow Women’s Library opened its doors for the first time. Now happily settled in our permanent home in Bridgeton, we are taking time over this anniversary year to ‘look back to move forward’.

The stairway to our archive mezzanine, with words by Jackie Kay.

Announcing Women on the Wall

To mark our 30th birthday, we are pleased to launch a new fundraising initiative, Women on the Wall, to help us in our ongoing work towards building a sustainable, green future.

Lin Zongsu

Lin Zongsu was a Chinese suffragist and writer who founded the first women’s suffrage organisation in China.

Amongs the GWL shelves, a woman sits reading a book, wile another stands browsing the shelves.

Update to our opening hours

The Glasgow Women’s Library building is now open, and we look forward to welcoming you!

Our opening hours are:
Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday: 11am to 4pm
Thursday: 2pm to 7pm
Saturday: 12noon to 4pm

A photo of the front of GWL, with a blackboard sign saying 'Hello, Everyone Welcome' in front.

Reopening in May 2021

We’re over the moon to announce that Glasgow Women’s Library will re-open on Tuesday 4th May at 11am. We are taking a phased approach to re-opening, and our opening hours for May will be 11am – 4pm, Tuesday – Friday.

Patterned fabric design for our GWL facemasks, in white on black with the 'Women in Profile' logo from GWL's precursor, a woman's head with short lines radiating outwards.

January Covid-19 Closures

In line with current Scottish Government law and guidance relating to Covid-19, the Glasgow Women’s Library building will now remain closed until at least 28th February 2021, but we’ll continue to deliver online events and bring you ways to get involved with our work digitally.

Patterned fabric design for our GWL facemasks, with different logos from GWL history in red, green and black on a white background.

Covid-19 Level Four Update

In line with the announcement made on 18th November by the Scottish Government that Glasgow is one of 11 Local Authorities in Scotland to move into Covid-19 Level Four restrictions, Glasgow Women’s Library is required to close our building to the public – we will therefore close at 4pm on Friday 20th November.

Several GWL facemasks on a wooden table - the facemasks have two different patterns, one in red, green and black on white, with different logos from GWL's history, and one in white on black with the 'Women in Profile' logo from GWL's precursor.

Re-opening Glasgow Women’s Library: The Countdown Begins…

Glasgow Women’s Library re-opens its doors to the public on Tuesday 1st September, and we are so excited – we’ve missed you all! The safety and wellbeing of our staff, volunteers and visitors is our top priority and we have worked hard to implement the necessary changes to be able to welcome you back.

Three books standing on a shelf with a plant. The books are New Daughters of Africa, edited by Margaret Busby, which has a black cover with a photo of a black woman looking directly at the reader, her hands clasped behind her head; Where the Wild Ladies Are, by Matsuda Aoko, a yellow cover with a dark abstract shape in the top half, and an illustration of the knees of two women in skirts sitting beside each other; Queenie, by Candace Carty-Williams, a deep pink cover with the head of a black woman in profile, her face not visible, and long braids pulled up into a bun.

Readers of Colour Recommends

Readers of Colour is a thriving community of women and non-binary folks of colour who meet once a month to discuss literature, film, podcasts and more by women and non-binary creatives of colour. In this blog, members of Readers of Colour are sharing books they’ve loved and would recommend. Enjoy!