Vanessa O’Reilly

John Stoltenberg
Refusing to be a Man
London: Routledge 2000
Reviewed on The F-Word.

Adrienne Rich
Compulsory Heterosexuality and Lesbian Existence

Available here.


Paredon Records on Smithsonian Folkways

Between 1970 and 1985, Paredon Records released fifty albums that covered major left-wing and liberation movements on five continents during the turbulent years of the 1970s. Founded by Barbara Dane and Irwin Silber, the mission of Paredon Records was to use music as a tool to promote social and political activism. Feminists, union organizers, communists, and many other types of social activists recorded music with Paredon Records with the hope that the uplifting power of music would inspire people to be agents of social change

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