Lesbian Avengers Section 28 Protest flyer

Part of the Lesbian Avengers collection.

A flyer from the Lesbian Avengers raising awareness about the use of Section 28 in Glasgow’s Mitchell Library.

The front of the flyer features a quote about it’s founder Stephen Mitchell’s intention for the library to represent ‘every phase of human thought and every variety of opinion’. The flyer then encourages the reader to turn over for information about how Director of Libraries Andrew Miller is banning Lesbian and Gay material.

The back of the flyer details how Section 28 has been used to restrict access to the Pink Paper, a newspaper written by and for Lesbian and Gay people. It has a list of demands and a list of actions that the reader can help with.

The Glasgow Lesbian Avengers, based in Glasgow Women’s Library’s Trongate space, were instrumental in protesting the use of Section 28 across Scotland. Section 28 was a law brought in by Margaret Thatcher in 1988 that criminalised the ‘promotion of homosexuality’ by local authorities. The law was overturned in Scotland in 2000 and in England and Wales in 2003.

Item details

Date: 1995

Catalogue record: There is no catalogue record for this collection item

Type of object:

Material or medium: Photocopy on paper.

Dimensions: 21 x 30cm

Collection Item Images

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