Reader-in-Residence Blog

Guerilla Authors – Girls on a Mission!

TOP SECRET – BURN THIS POST AFTER READING As part of this week’s Book Week Scotland celebrations I parachuted in to Bridgeton in the east end of Glasgow with fellow […]


When Sue Lyons read my initial ‘Remember me’ post, she was moved to share the poem below with me. Another very moving poem, but although it’s on the same theme of remembering it’s tackling it in a completely different way.

Book Week Scotland With GWL!

Yep! The first ever Book Week Scotland has launched and it includes some amazing events with Glasgow Women’s Library – all free too! First up we have our Guerilla Writing […]

Remember this?

A couple of weeks ago I posted Remember me, a poem by Alice Walker, with some guidance on how to write your own poem. Well, I’m delighted to say that Nicola Burkhill rose to the challenge and has given me permission to publish her poem here. Plus suggestions on poetry reading – where to start.

Feminist Top 10 Erotic Fiction?

‘Between The Sheets is an erotic fiction campaign designed to push the boundaries of library users and challenge their reading horizons.’ Coming to a library near you…
Aaargh! Have you come across this ‘campaign’ in your local library? And who are these mysterious ‘library users’?

Book Addicts Anonymous – Do you need help?

Recently I was buying some chocolate at Thornton’s on Sauchiehall Street, and the slim young woman assistant plied me with free tasters from a couple of plates on the counter. She obviously knew an addict when she saw one. Of course, I expressed surprise that she could work amongst all that chocolate and not have turned into Two Ton Tessie. ‘Oh,’ she replied, flashing me a filling-free smile, ‘after the first few days you grow sick of it. Then you’re not tempted any more.’

This made me think. Would I get to this point at Glasgow Women’s Library? There are so many books in so many flavours. Is it possible that one day I won’t be tempted any more?

Dare you write a poem?

In Poetry for Fearties I led the creative writing part of the workshop, using Alice Walker’s powerful poem, ‘Remember’ to provide a pattern. Some amazing poems were produced as a result. So if you’d like to have a go at writing a poem, (go on! It’s fun. Honest.) then here’s an easy way to get started…

So, Magi, what exactly is a Reader in Residence?

Hi! Welcome to my blog as the new Scottish Book Trust Reader in Residence with Glasgow Women’s Library.