Submissions for Hens Issue #7 are now open!

Hens Tae Watch Oot Fur is the queer feminist zine project run through the library, and encompasses library volunteers as well as outside contributors! We are opening submissions for Hens Issue #7 right NOW! For this issue we are looking for writing, comics, artwork and more about CRUSHES.

We don’t just reckon this has to be as simple about writing about a crush you have, although it definitely can be that if you want. We’d definitely like that! It can also be about ‘the politics of the crush’ – what even is a crush? Do you have crushes, and what are people’s attitudes towards you if you don’t? Are crushes always empowering? Do you find it annoying when your straight friend says “I’ve got a ‘girl crush’ on X” or “I’ve got a ‘boy crush’ on X”? Do people make assumptions about your sexuality? These are just a few ideas, but we are really happy for people to take the theme in whatever way they would like to.

We are up for all sorts of material – fan fiction; comics; diagrams and mindmaps; essays; letters; drawings… whatever you like!

The deadline for submissions is Tuesday 31st May, 2016.

General Guidelines for submissions are below:

In terms of content we are really happy to accept lots of stuff, but we ask that you keep things friendly. We won’t accept material which we deem to be an attack or undermining of an individual or group of people, and ask that material we/you think might be triggering has appropriate warnings and signposts for our readers. We will contact you if we think something is problematic for the zine, or if we think something should be edited.

Submissions should be sent to us either using our Facebook working group or if easier via email. We suggest submissions containing images be sent via email in the highest quality possible (ideally around 300dpi would be good). We accept JPEGs, TIFs, EPS and PDF files. We may ask you to alter images where the image quality is not print ready.

Email submissions for images and any anonymous submissions should be sent to We welcome anonymous submissions, so please make it clear if you do not wish that your name appear in the zine. Submitting under a pseudonym is totally cool – just let us know how you would like your name to appear.

Your submission can be sent in colour, though if we have a lot of material we may look at producing the zine in greyscale/ black and white. If you submit something in colour, then we will check if you are okay for it to be printed greyscale in case you want to alter your submission.

All submissions should be limited to x2 sides of A5 paper. In special circumstances we may accept longer submissions, but we only have limited space so this will have to be on a case by case basis.

We try to guarantee the inclusion of all submissions into the zine but this will totally depend on the number we receive and our print budget for each issue.

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