Books I Love

Here is a selection of books recommended by Sarah, who is doing a week long work placement with us:

The Lovely Bones – Alice Sebold

Set in the seventies, 14 year old Susie Salmon is raped then violently murdered by her neighbour. She watches her family from heaven as they are torn apart from the tragedy, and observes her undiscovered killer live his life like normal.  I read this book when I was 12 and I still haven’t found a book better than it in 2 years. It is my favourite book and I reread it frequently. It is definitely one of those books you can’t put down because it’s so gripping. I got very emotionally invested in this book and I would recommend it to  everyone.

Vivienne Westwood – Vivienne Westwood

Fashion designer, activist,and grandmother – Vivienne Westwood is the definition of girl power. I really think she is a great role model because she is a self taught success, and she taught me that having a child or getting married is OK! It doesn’t make you any less of a feminist. This book is great for anyone who wants to read about a strong woman and hear an in-depth account of their success.

IT – Alexa Chung

IT is a light book filled with scribbles, 90’s-esque polariods and small paragraphs all describing her career or teenage years. Another female role model, Alexa is a presenter, model, fashion designer, columnist and now a bestselling author. A great book for when you aren’t in the mood for a heavy fiction or autobiographies.





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