GWL Annual Report 2010-11

Our annual report for 2010-2011 is now available to download.

We’ve had a hugely busy and at times challenging year, and there are many highlights we can share with you from the past year, including: raising the hammer at our fundraising Auction of Pleasures; the hugely successful Making Space project; consolidating our satellite collections in Greenock and Cornton Vale Prisons; our relocation to the Mitchell Library Complex and the ongoing development of potential for permanent premises.

We have also been delighted to be able to transfer a fraction of GWL’s vast collections out of boxes and onto the shelves, with the opening of a capsule collection for public loan. We are also thrilled to have been awarded Full Accreditation as a registered Museum by the Museums Libraries and Archives Council.

Download the report to discover more about developments with operations, in our collections and our life changing Learning programmes.

GWL Annual Report 2010-11 (PDF)

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