Women Writers Unite – Experience Counts

Back after the summer holiday, Women Writers Unite has a wonderful line up for our next event on Wednesday 14th October at 7pm!

Critically acclaimed Canongate author Margaret Elphinstone will be reading along with award-winning poet Vicki Feaver, ably supported by Rosemary McLeish (reading from the new Grey Hen Press anthology) and – joining us all the way from Sweden – Gabriella Joensson.

Experience Counts is presented by Glasgow Women’s Library in association with the Edwin Morgan Centre for Creative Writing, University of Glasgow and Canongate Books.

FREE and open to all (men welcome!)

Wednesday 14th October, 7pm for a 7.15pm start until 9pm.

Booking is Essential: please call 0141 552 8345 or contact Laura at the Library to book your place.

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