My First Couple of Days…

Monday – I wasn’t as nervous as I thought I would be as I walked along Argyle Street towards my new job, just really early! I ambled along and took in the wonderful smells of the city centre at 9.30 in the morning. (I’m actually serious, the smell reminded me of good times in my life when I previously worked in the city. Stale take-away food festering in the unemptied bins, stagnent drains, window cleaners’ buckets of foamy water, faint smells of shampoo from the people on their way to work)

Arrived at the office fashionably early. Saw my very own desk for the first time. (Have never had own work desk before – so happy!)

Everyone welcomed me and so my exciting new adventure started…….

Didn’t give Sue any chance to drink her tea on my first morning. She must have had a sore throat from all the talking!

Had lunch from lovely cafe Sue recommended along the street. I text my friend to tell her about the expresso I was drinking at the counter whilst my fancy sandwich was being made, she brought me back down to earth by replying that I was being far too lah-de-dah and that her egg roll and lentil soup from her work’s cantine had satisfied her, just fine!

Was a very interesting day – but head was mince by the time I got home! Everyone was so nice and welcoming and I am really looking forward to settling in.
After being told the previous day that I could come in this morning ‘any time I like’ (how great is this job!!??), I aimed for just after 9am. Surprise, surprise, the trains were held up (no doubt by a twig on the line or some other ‘disaster’) but it was great not needing to worry too much about being in dead-on a set time.

Had a good chat with Wendy about her role as librarian and found out what she has been working on and all her plans for the future of the collection.

Had a plunder through ALN boxes to see what was what, but got cold and started to loose feeling in my toes so I was glad of heat up over lunch time!

After dreaming about what we’d do a millionaires round the lunch table, Sue and I scooted off to a meeting with GCVS. (Admittedly, I was slightly nervous – they fund my post!) We then detoured on our way back to the office by way of the Mitchell Library (and the GWL’s new home in a year-or-so’s time). I got to see the architects plans in context and enjoyed a surprise tour of the new Anderston Library area. It looks fabulous and i’m sure they will be very proud when it opens to the community in February.

Wednesday morning- So pleased I have just written my first EVER blog, hope its OK! Thankyou to Helen for showing me how. (Might also be the last one as I’m going to have so much work to do!) Got interesting day ahead and plenty of new people still to meet towards the end of the week. All going great so far…….!

Kay x

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