Drawing breath

Hello dear blog readers (I am sure there is a specific word for this…surely not bleaders. Every blog entry seems to flag up a further training need in me).

Thanks for your enduring patience as time has rolled by, or rather sped at a gallop in Libraryland.

News in brief from the Lifelonglearning/Creativedevelopment perspective? Women Make History have been doing exactly what it says on the tin since August; organising, researching, fundraising and making merry of late. I am so proud of us all. The AGM was gentle and participatory and Mexican themed. Wendy and I had a much appreciated commune over the construction of the Library ‘altar’. This has subsequently become the organic homing place for all the gradually unpacked Library knick-knacks, some fabulous Library artefacts and artworks and other precious doodahs including Helen’s recently donated ‘matrushka’ (apologies to our Russian readers) (Illustrated below) brought back from her mysterious November visit to Moscow…

Matrushka on the altar

Other highlights of late; using the kitchen (hoorah!) using the office (hoorah!) and other lovely spaces never before experienced in the life of the Glasgow Women’s Library staff and users. Visitors new and ‘old’; the return of Adanma, Lucy and the Stitch and Bitch crew and of course the incomparable Genevieve, the input of new Library faces Charlie, Anne, Valaine, Siobhan, Joanne, Jean, Nina, Yvonne, Dorothy, Louise, Sandra and all the other fantastic new women who have made this such a happy new home – I have learnt so much from you all!

We are all excited about the prospect of a new staff person will join us after the festive break. SO looking forward to Kay being here. We keep looking over at her chair and desk with eager anticipation.
The Board have really been doing the business, strides are being made forward and generally the energies have been perversely brimming in the wake of the move. This enthusiasm and industriousness, partly due to having desks, computers and this space we have created together for the purpose of harmonious work, has prevailed even through a deluge that blighted the new office environment with Trongate-like leaking during the tabloidesque 40 days and 40 nights that afflicted Glasgow of late. The verdict over this period from surveyors, joiners, steeplejacks, building and works, scaffolders and sundry neighbours and other amateur jacks of manual trades that ‘It’s not coming in from the window’ should quickly translate into action and watertightness in 2007. Will keep y’all posted.
I am resolved to blog studiously in 2007 – hope that doesn’t sound too much like a threat,

Meantime, unless something weird and wonderful happens here before Friday (as if)

Auguri di Buon Natale e Felice Anno Nuovo and thanks for bleading in 2006,
Adele x

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