White flags in Oaxaca

Hello, Sue here – I’m writing on Adele’s blog name due to reasons that I don’t fully understand but don’t really matter.*

Anyway, sometimes you have to step right back from what you are doing to see the bigger picture (at least 5 years at Art School taught me something!) and attending KnowHow Mexico has not only given me the gift of seeing that global bigger picture, it has renewed my passion and determination and boosted my morale beyond words.

Wendy, Adele and I worked very hard at KnowHow, made such a positive impact at the conference, won the hearts of the delegates, listened, heard, talked and laughed (alot!) and many women I met will be in my heart forever too.

Today there is a strike across Oaxaca and white flags hang from windows – the lack of international media attention is astounding, when people have been shot and are still missing – please take some time to find out what is happening here.

I am looking forward to returning to GWL and starting a new phase of development at 81 Parnie Street, bringing with me my KnowHow know how and a big bag of dirty washing.


Sue John

*switched to Sue’s login 10:21 BST

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