Our Women Making History in West Dunbartonshire memory boxes are full of artefacts and information about the lives of women in that area during the 1950s and 1960s.

Inside you’ll find objects from those two decades which have been collected and donated by local women. You’ll also find oral histories about individual women’s lives and some of their written accounts too.

We’ve created a virtual memory box with photos of many of the objects and a little information about each one: explore the objects and stories relating to Leaving School, Entertainment, Fashion and Beauty, Home Life, and Womanhood.
Members of the group have shared stories from their lives in the 1950s and 60s, and these can also be found online: read about home life, Saturdays on the town, working life, and a wedding.
There are two physical boxes, one in Glasgow Women’s Library and the other in Clydebank Heritage Centre. You can borrow either one for your community or educational event by contacting Glasgow Women’s Library on 0141 552 2267 or emailing morag.smith@womenslibrary.org.uk.