Category: GWL Recommends

What I Read This Month: February

Here at GWL we love to spread the word about great books we’ve been reading! Here are a few reviews of titles from our fiction and short story sections, written by one of our interns.

Bitch Planet volume 1 by Kelly Sue Deconnick

Have you heard the name ‘Bitch Planet’ yet? If you haven’t then you will.Sometimes sci-fi portrays worlds and ideas which seem alien to us and not applicable in any way […]

Nimona by Noelle Stevenson

The character of Nimona in Noelle Stevenson’s web comic turned published graphic novel is an incredible character in an amazing challenging story. Nimona tells the story of the troubled Lord […]

Fish+Chocolate by Kate Brown.

Fish+Chocolate is a graphic novel by Kate Brown which is published by Self Made Hero comics.It is a collection of three graphic stories which explore the anxiety, fear and grief […]