Category: Green Work

COP26: Where are all the women?

SHEChangesClimate is a movement formed in response to the COP26 leadership team consisting of all men. In this blog I discuss why it is necessary women are at the forefront of the climate movement, in order to ensure all voices and experiences are involved to make the progressive change needed to save our planet.

Green Learning

We’d like to share with you what has recently been shaping our thinking about climate justice, carbon reduction and our role in caring for our environment. In a climate of pain, uncertainty, deep and deepening inequalities and environmental crisis, we have been turning to feminist leadership and solutions to look to the future and imagine a radically different world.

Birdsong Haiku

This Open the Door Festival, we’re inviting you to fill our Twitter with birdsong by writing your own Birdsong Haiku or sharing poetry you love on birds and their dawn chorus and afternoon chatter.