Category: From the Archives

Archive Item of the Month: Sappho

To celebrate LGBT History Month, this month’s item from the Archive comes from the Lesbian Archive. In this post Alice Andrews, one of our , talks about Sappho magazine and its important role in Lesbian history.

Greenham Common in the Archive

This month not only marks the 20th anniversary of the founding of Glasgow Women’s Library but also it is 30 years since women arrived at RAF Greenham Common in Berkshire in order to oppose the siting of 96 nuclear cruise missiles at the base.

At the library we have some items relating to Greenham Common and other materials from the women’s peace movement including badges, music and leaflets.

Archives of the Josephine Butler Society

We recently received a collection of archives from the Josephine Butler Society. Founded by Josephine Butler (1828-1906) herself in 1869, the Society was first known as the Ladies National Association. It was set up to oppose the Contagious Diseases Acts of 1864, 1866 and 1869.

Recent archive donations

This banner was made by a group of women to be carried during the ‘Gude Cause’ march in October 2009. The march was organised to commemorate the 100th anniversary of […]