Category: From the Archives

Quines, Hens and Spare Ribs too

GWL doesn’t just have books on its amazing shelves. We also have a fantastic archive of magazines past and present; publications which have pushed forward the cause of gender equality.

I was delighted to discover SPARE RIB. Spare Rib emerged in June 1972. Its purpose, as described in its editorial,

Archive Item of the Month: Music and Liberation

November has been the month of music at Glasgow Women’s Library, with the arrival of the eagerly anticipated exhibition Music and Liberation 1970 – 1989. Deciding which item to feature as Archive Item of the Month was extremely difficult with so many fantastic objects within my reach.

Archive Item of the Month: Elaine Frances Burton’s Travel Album

July’s Archive Item of the Month has a sporting theme to it. Elaine, one of our volunteers, explores the fascinating travel album of Elaine Frances Burton and her many achievements. […]