Volunteer Motoko, who works on the National Lifelong Learning project, introduces herself.
From Japan to GWL
Published on by Morag
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Volunteer Motoko, who works on the National Lifelong Learning project, introduces herself.
Meet Manjit, one of GWL’s dedicated volunteers, and find out why she enjoys volunteering at the library.
I’m going to say sorry in advance because I have never done a blog before. My name is Carenza Young and I am fifteen years old. Some might ask why […]
Time flew by as always when you are feeling that you are doing something useful with it. Six weeks ago I entered the library the first time and but today […]
How do people work in other countries? What exactly is a women’s library about? These two leading questions accompanied me when I came to Glasgow Women’s library about two weeks […]
So, three months are over and I just cannot believe how quickly time went by. However, I feel I have learnt a lot and gained a lot of new impressions […]
As I mentioned in my last Blog, I am working within my three month volunteering placement on a networking-project for the National Life Long Learning Team. My aim is to […]
My first week in the Glasgow Women’s Library or as I call it affectionately – the feminist beehive – was amazing. But be warned! On first glance everything seems chaotic […]
This time last year, we were still reeling after a flood of water poured down from the floors above us at 81 Parnie Street. I think it’s fair to say […]
A big thank you to all of our volunteers who attended our training session last week! Many of our volunteers took time out their busy schedules to attend session…