Our monthly Zoom meet ups to discuss what we’ve been reading are one of the ways our team of staff and volunteers have stayed connected through lockdown. We always enjoy hearing what others recommend and hope you will too!
Author: Gabrielle
Green Learning
We’d like to share with you what has been recently been shaping our thinking about climate justice, carbon reduction and our role in caring for our environment.
Women Making History locally and globally
We asked you to tell us about the landmarks celebrating women near you and you rose to the challenge. So here are some of the women we’ve been introduced to thanks to you. Please keep them coming!
Our team recommends this month…
Check out some recommended reads from our staff and volunteers. Fiction and non fiction; newly published and not so recently published; transporting us to Nigeria, the Hebrides, and Ireland; and exploring all sorts of topics including the environment, slavery, and feminism in the 21st century.
Life in Taiwan during the pandemic
A first hand account of what life is like for a young woman living in Taiwan during the pandemic.
Turn your walk into a herstory treasure hunt
Our usual programme of guided Women’s Heritage Walks hasn’t gone ahead, but that shouldn’t stop you from getting to know your area through the lives of women. We’ve got some inspiration and resources to get you started…
Auf Wiedersehen
A post by Selina, a graduate of Information and Documentation from Switzerland who was on placement with us from September to December 2019.
(Re) Discover the pleasure of being read to
Our weekly Story Cafe sessions are so much fun! In this post our volunteer Lily explains what to expect from one of these events and shares why she feels these reading out loud sessions are so valuable and pleasurable.
Recruiting Front of House volunteers
We are looking for five or six new volunteers to join our Front of House team in 2020.
Book Bunk Picnic
During our visit to Nairobi last month, we joined forces with the Book Bunk team for a Book Picnic like no other. Find out what books were recommended by the interns and staff from Book Bunk.