
Staff, volunteers, interns and student placements share updates from projects and events at Glasgow Women’s Library

Closeup of a woman's face, centred on her eyes, in black and white

Tell Her Story: Call Out for Honour-Based Violence Stories Exhibition

Tragically, around 12 women in Britain are killed each year due to honour crimes. Many more cases go unreported due to fear and silence. In recognition of National Honour Based Violence Day on July 14th, Glasgow Women’s Library invites you to help us shine a light on these hidden stories.

Postcard with a caricature of a suffragette being arrested by a group of three policemen, watched by various people including a dishevelled man holding out a hat, with the caption: 'MENDICANT: "CAN YOU SPARE A COPPER, LADY?" with a credit line below stating 'From a drawing by Alfred Leete, reproduced by permission from "LONDON OPINIONS"'.

Suffrage Postcards: In the Grip of the Law

When I’m not at my desk at Glasgow Women’s Library, I’m usually working away on my PhD, which I’m undertaking part-time at the University of Glasgow. It’s been a while since I posted about my research, so I thought I would share some of the progress I have been making over the last year.

Volunteer Story- Lauren

Lauren has volunteered with us since August 2023. She is a familiar face on the front desk and can often be seen with a camera at events. Read more about what she’s been doing and check out some of her beautiful photos.

Story Cafe round-up: Scottish Women’s Land Army

Pauline reflects on a fascinating Story Cafe, inspired by Dorothy’s family history…. Wendy welcomed everyone to this Story Cafe which was led by Dorothy who opened the session by explaining […]

An interview with Val Murray (Castlemilk Womanhouse)

This interview was gathered by our brilliant placement student Georgia Germani who spent some time researching Castlemilk Womenhouse in our archive and was able to make contact with one of the participating […]

Summer Programme Launch

Our volunteer Pauline braved the torrential rain to take part in the launch of the Summer 2024 Programme on Thursday 23rd May. You can find the full programme here (in written and audio formats), but here are some of the highlights.

Twelve members of Readers of Colour gathered together in the same space.

Reading the Stirling Castle

As a group of women of colour and non-binary people of colour who gather to read works by authors of the same background, Readers of Colour set out to discover what might happen when we gather to read aloud in a location that is framed or perceived as far far away from our own lives and histories. So, following an invitation from Historic Environment Scotland, we traveled to Stirling to find out what transformations might occur if we “read the castle”.

Story Cafe round up: working-class writers

What have we been reading and chatting about at Story Cafe? Pauline gives us the latest round up… It’s great to be back at Story Cafe again – my last […]

A close-up of some of the different patchworks which make up the Eve/Hawa quilt.

Coming together during the storm: a review of GWL exhibitions

As it gets increasingly more difficult to read or watch the news (I could put a long list here of everything that is so very wrong with the world at […]

Book Picnic: May 2024

Every month, GWL team members and volunteers share what we’ve read recently at our Book Picnic. Here’s what we’ve been reading recently: Birnam Wood by Eleanor Catton Pauline recommended this […]