
Postcard with a caricature of a suffragette being arrested by a group of three policemen, watched by various people including a dishevelled man holding out a hat, with the caption: 'MENDICANT: "CAN YOU SPARE A COPPER, LADY?" with a credit line below stating 'From a drawing by Alfred Leete, reproduced by permission from "LONDON OPINIONS"'.

Suffrage Postcards: In the Grip of the Law

When I’m not at my desk at Glasgow Women’s Library, I’m usually working away on my PhD, which I’m undertaking part-time at the University of Glasgow. It’s been a while since I posted about my research, so I thought I would share some of the progress I have been making over the last year.

Emma Ritch: A Personal Tribute

On Monday 12th July I, like many, heard of the sudden death of Emma Ritch, the Executive Director of Engender. The shock, disbelief and grief are palpable, numbing.

The cover page of a school project about the Suffragettes

Satire and Suffragettes – Objects of Interest.

It’s fair to say that I’ve been interested in Suffragettes since I was young girl. Maybe it’s being Mancunian – the Pankhurst legacy looms large in that city of radicals. […]

Kirsty Logan reading her 21 Revolutions story, 'This Is Liberty'. Credit: GWL

Let Us Tell You a Story…

… About 21 Revolutions. Who doesn’t love to be read to? Being transported through surprising places, times and emotions is a joy at any time, and being read to by […]

Flag designed by Visual Communication Resident (2018) Jyni Ong for our Art Fund Museum of the Year public engagement - on a pink background with a bold red and green border, a twisting yellow ribbon reads: Glasgow Women's Library: It's For Me

2020: Hope/Fully Fear/Less

In looking forward to greeting a new decade, it’s perhaps only natural to reflect on the last. But in greeting 2020 I want to look back even further, to 2007…

Glasgow Women's Library Sign in the Sun

Happy International Women’s Day – From the Heart

In the 26 years I’ve been involved, there’s not much I haven’t found myself doing for Glasgow Women’s Library. Through love, through necessity, but always with a profound belief in […]

Linder's Flag, for Bower of Bliss 2018.

Epic Eighteen: Thank you for a truly incredible year

I suppose that being drawn to reflect upon the past year is natural as we start to close up our wonderful Library for the festive period. As 2018 dawned, I truly didn’t think that it could have topped recent years, during which we embarked on renovation works, won multiple awards, welcomed more people through our doors than ever before and delivered incredibly exciting programmes of events. But as it turned out, 2018 was epic.

Phase Three Building Works

Just Another Phase!

If you’ve visited Glasgow Women’s Library of late, you can’t help but have noticed that we are once again shrouded in scaffolding, from top to bottom and right around the building. This marks the next vital stage of the renovations to our stunning Grade B Listed building.

Suffragette Bell

Part of the Solution

Many items in GWL’s museum, archive and library collections also remind us that we can work together to change the world for the better.

Some of GWL's awards, 2016

Reaping the Awards in 2016!

Let’s be honest, everyone loves some encouragement; to be told that you’re doing well. It’s a real morale boost, and at Glasgow Women’s Library we are all thrilled when this happens, so to be recognised for excellence through the winning of awards really does make our day – and has certainly made our year.