The Speaking Out exhibition showcases the 40+ year history of Women’s Aid in Scotland. Featuring clips from oral history interviews captured by the project, visual material from the archives, and information gathered by the project, the exhibition tells the story of the movement in the words of the women involved with it.

The exhibition travelled to eight locations across Scotland as part of the Speaking Out project, and was seen by over 44,000 people.

The exhibition is available to borrow from Scottish Women’s Aid – please get in touch to find out how.
- 6 pop-up banners featuring written and visual information about the history of Women’s Aid in Scotland
- 8 foamboard panels featuring written and visual information about the history of Women’s Aid in Scotland, which can be hung from hooks or attached to Velcro panels
- iPad listening station (iPad plus lockable pedestal stand)
- Board game
- Visitor’s book, comments box with comments cards
- Creative material (masks, fans and poems on A4 foamboard panels) made with Edinburgh WA and Shakti WA service users
- Historical newsletters and reports

The exhibition was curated by a team of Speaking Out staff and project volunteers.
If you would like more information about the Speaking Out project, please contact Scottish Women’s Aid.
This project was funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund, and was a partnership between Scottish Women’s Aid, Glasgow Women’s Library, the Glasgow University Centre for Gender History and Women’s History Scotland.