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Open the Door 2020: Tuesday 19th May

TimeOnline ActivityPlatform

Introduction to Day 2 of Open the Door 2020

On Day 2 of Open the Door 2020 we’re focusing on Scottish novelist, playwright and radio producer Jessie Kesson.

10.30am –

Digital Poetry Slam Round 1

See the shortlisted Round 1 entries of the first ever GWL Digital Poetry Slam

11.00am –

Jessie Kesson

We take a closer look at the work and words of Jessie Kesson and give you a chance to share your thoughts in response.

1.45pm – 2.00pm

Daily Reading List Curated by Azita Jabbari

GWL Volunteer Azita Jabbari has curated a list of 10 books by BAME authors from around the world. Azita chose authors who come from non-commonwealth countries, as they are more likely to be more marginalised. Join us as we share her picks.

2.00pm– 3.00pm

Duncan of Jordanstone College of Art & Design Student Showcase

Students from Duncan of Jordanstone College of Art & Design in Dundee have created motion graphics inspired by the 3 historical women authors we’re celebrating as part of Open the Door 2020. Today, we showcase the work of students who were inspired by Scottish author Jessie Kesson.

3.00pm– 4.00pm

Social Media Takeover with Rebecca Jones

Rebecca is currently completing a PhD in English at the University of Strathclyde, funded by a University of Strathclyde Student Excellence Award (SEA). Her thesis, Consuming Men: Masculinity, Meat and Myth in Literary Fictions from Mary Shelley to Ursula K. Le Guin, uses feminist ecological, vegetarian, vegan and human-animal studies theory to analyse masculinity, species and the consumption of the animal in retellings of the classical Prometheus myth in literary fiction from the publication of Frankenstein in 1818 to the present day.

Rebecca will be sharing morsels from her research as part of this Twitter takeover.


Monday 18th May

Wednesday 20th May