Category: News

Making Space for Women

Did you know there are only 3 statues of women in Glasgow? Find out what GWL is doing to address this imbalance, and how we are contributing to the exciting world of public art…

Singing for a Gude Cause #2

The second of the GWL and WEA singing workshops for Gude Cause. The workshops will give you the opportunity to learn the songs for the Gude Cause march re-enactment. The workshops are open to any women who want to be involved whether you feel have singing ability or not!

Subject in Process

Adele Patrick participated in the Subject in Process symposium at the CCA on Saturday, 6th September 2009. The ‘Subject in Process’ symposium sought to ask if artists could be considered to have an obligation to connect with events in the real world. Adele’s presentation, now published here, reflected on the specific significance of a ‘women’s library’ in the civic, cultural and historical landscape of Glasgow.

Women Writers Unite – Experience Counts

Come to our latest Women Writers Unite event with critically acclaimed Canongate author Margaret Elphinstone, award-winning poet Vicki Feaver, ably supported by Rosemary McLeish (reading from the new Grey Hen Press anthology) and – joining us all the way from Sweden – Gabriella Joensson.

National Lifelong Learning and Paths for All

The National Lifelong Learning Team attended a networking event at the Royal Scottish Concert Hall on Thursday 17th September.  The event, run by Paths for All, was a chance for […]

She Settles in the Shields & Pardesi Heroes

The She Settles in the Shields exhibition offers a unique opportunity to meet the women who travelled to Scotland from all over the world, in search of family, love and security. The exhibition will be complemented with photographic archives of South Asian pioneers by artist Basharat Khan.

Feminist Lines of Flight

GWL staff Hannah Little and Adele Patrick have been meeting with the artist Kate Davis who is working on a collaborative exhibition ‘The Long Loch: How do we go on from here?’ and a related programme of activities with the celebrated American artist Faith Wilding.