
From feminism to marigolds – volunteer Philippa reports on the Harpies, Fechters and Quines festival

I got in touch with the GWL earlier this year. I’d heard about its work, and as a literature graduate, it combines two of my favourite things – feminism and […]

Volunteer Photo Project: Eilidh

Meet one of our of our many wonderful volunteers Eilidh.

Volunteer Photo Project: Jessica

This photography project will convey why the library is a great place to volunteer and work by asking volunteers about their experiences. This first post is about my own answers.

Volunteering brings good things

But don’t just take our word for it… If you would like to find out what it’s like to volunteer with GWL, read about Iona’s time volunteering with us and what she’s been up to since moving on.

Glasgow Women's Library Book group

More than just work experience

YiWen Hon was part of GWL’s amazing team of volunteers in 2012 and has stayed in touch after moving away from Glasgow. In this post she shares with us what she gained from her time at GWL.

What is volunteering at GWL like?

Anabel joined the team in 2012, initially to get involved with the Women Make History women’s heritage walks, but over the years has taken on many other roles. Find out from in this short video what she enjoys most about volunteering with us.

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The GWL Board and Staff strategising

Joining our Board of Directors

I’d encourage any woman thinking of volunteering with GWL to go for it – you’ll learn a lot!

Who volunteers at GWL?

We have the most fantastic team of volunteers, and every one of the 70 strong team brings their own interests and skills. So there is no typical GWL volunteer, just like there is no typical GWL learner. Find out more about on of our volunteers, Carol, who has been volunteering with GWL since 2011.

For women, by women

What struck me about GWL was that I had never encountered such a long-running, impactful and all-encompassing model for a non-profit that was specifically for women, by women.

Is GWL for me?

I began volunteering at Glasgow Women’s Library somewhat apprehensively while I was at university. I wasn’t sure it would be the sort of place for me and I wasn’t entirely confident or comfortable surrounded by strangers.