GWL at 30

Glasgow Women’s Library celebrated its 30th anniversary in September 2021. As we now enter our fourth decade, we are thrilled to be recipients of a grant from the National Lottery Heritage Fund for a two year project to interpret, safeguard and share our own 30-year heritage, and enable us to ‘look back to move forward’.

The word Peace is written in blue on a background of bright orange marks.

The Power of Kindness

“Kindness was demonstrated in many different ways as we studied the space and the people who use it. “

Celebrating Ten Years of 21 Revolutions: Revisiting the 21 Revolutions Podcasts

This year we’re continuing to celebrate Three Decades of Changing Minds. This means delving into the Glasgow Women’s Library (GWL) archive, using the materials we find to stimulate memories and […]

Detail from cover of GWL Newsletter Issue 29 (2004) showing two people in the Women's Community Garden, with the text "Blooming! Seeds of Change at GWL"

Green Growth from Seeds of Change: GWL has a Green Thumb!

Glasgow Women’s Library (GWL) celebrated its 30th anniversary in September 2021. As we now enter our fourth decade we ‘look back to move forward’ through our 30 Years of Changing […]

Photograph of an anti-nuclear poster. Poster is advertising an activist meet up/ call to act to fight against nuclear waste and save Scotland's rural areas from nuclear development.

Green Growth from Seeds of Change: Green Events at GWL

In her third blog student placement Amelia takes a look back at Green Events at GWL over the last decade… Whilst trying to map environmentalism at Glasgow Women’s Library (GWL) […]

The library's garden in April 2020 blooming mainly in reds and yellows. With the black lift shaft (with book titles on it) in the background.

Green Growth from Seeds of Change: In Conversation with the Green Cluster

Student Placement Amelia’s second blog on GWL’s work with the environment… The Green Cluster, at Glasgow Women’s Library (GWL), is a group of women at the library who aim to […]

Detail of front cover of issue 29 of the GWL Newsletter, reading "Blooming! Seeds of change at GWL"

Green Growth from Seeds of Change: Introduction

Amelia is studying a Masters in Applied Gender Studies at Strathclyde University and completed her placement with us in April. Read her first in a series of blogs focusing on […]

Archive material displayed on a table titled the Women in Profile September 1990 events alongside conference RSVPs and the Women in Profile film festival programme.

Three Decades of Changing Minds: Project archivist Mae Moss blogs about her first month

Hello everyone!   I’ve been working on the 30th anniversary project for just over 8 weeks now and what a ride it’s been! Having volunteered and worked with Glasgow Women’s Library […]

Open the Door: Laura and Leila

Five years of Opening the Door wide to the world of women’s reading and writing

GWL’s Dr Adele Patrick writes about five years of the groundbreaking Open the Door Festival