Strand: Caring For Our Environment

Strands connect past and present project pages, blog posts and online exhibitions from across our website. Read our introduction to the Caring For Our Environment strand, or browse all the strand-related content below - follow one of the links and start exploring!

Caring For Our Environment Pages

Caring For Our Environment

Care for our environment is built into everything we do at Glasgow Women’s Library, from micro considerations around making sure our space is warm and welcoming, to a wider care for our surrounding area, and a concern for planetary health and justice.

Women on the Wall

Women on the Wall is a new fundraising initiative to help us in our ongoing work towards building a sustainable, green future.

Open the Door 2020: Your Birdsong Haikus

Open the Door 2020, the digital writing festival with an environmental theme, was organised long before lockdow yet it couldn’t feel more pertinent. Now, when most of us are staying […]

Women in the Landscape

Where you are, where you’ve been, where you grew up . . . how has it shaped who you are? How have you shaped the places you’ve been, where you’ve lived and passed through?

Seeking out and sharing women’s words, inspired and borne out of both rural and urban landscapes across Scotland and beyond, the Glasgow Women’s Library Women in the Landscape project aims to reveal, to celebrate and to preserve women’s stories, experiences and environmental heritage.

Open the Door 2020

For 2020, Open the Door had a special focus on environmental and ecofeminist ideas. Women have written extensively, both factually and creatively, about the world around them and the landscapes that we shape and that have shaped us. We used this festival as an opportunity to celebrate these words and highlight the importance of thinking widely about our environment and our changing world.

Open the Door 2020: Wangari Maathai

by Giovanna MacKenna WANGARI MUTA was born in 1940 in Kenya’s Central Highlands, an area renowned for its natural beauty and abundance.  Unusually for girls at that time, she went […]

Open the Door 2020: Jessie Kesson

by Giovanna MacKenna JESSIE McDONALD was born illegitimately in an Elgin slum, near Inverness, in 1916. She was taken from her much-loved mother – a domestic servant who turned to […]

Open the Door 2020: Resources

A list of resources and events from Open the Door 2020. 

Net-Zero Handbook

Our Net-Zero Handbook is a practical plan setting out the changes we will make to our building to reach “operational net zero” by 2030.

Caring For Our Environment Posts

Towards a Green Library: GWL’s journey to net zero

Our volunteer and Green Cluster member Carolyn interviewed Annika, GWL’s Facilities Management Officer about the Library’s journey to operational net zero.

GWL at 30 Podcast: Green

In this episode we find out more about how ecofeminism and care for the environment have impacted our work in the past three decades.

Net Zero – the goal we’re all striving for

On the 29th of June the GWL hosted ‘Towards a Green Library’ where the GWL Handbook to Net Zero was showcased. The event was an informative one, where several staff […]