Category: GWL Recommends

Gender Wage Gaps in the Arts Sector

As a young woman currently considering any and all future employment prospects, the recent media coverage on the gender pay gap is something I’ve been following closely. Apparently, I can […]

Trans/Forming Feminisms:Trans-Feminist Voices Speak Out edited by Krista Scott-Dixon

      Trans/Forming Feminisms: Trans-Feminist Voices Speak Out is a new anthology of works overseen by the editor Krista Scott-Dixon ,a feminist women’s studies scholar who has a PhD […]

By The Time You Read This I’ll Be Dead by Julie Anne Peters.

  The award-winning YA novel By The Time You Read This I’ll Be Dead by Julie Anne Peters is a fantastic book and for me personally almost a bit scary. […]

Lucy’s Story:Autism and Other Adventures by Lucy Blackman.

Lucy’s Story:Autism and Other Adventures by Lucy Blackman is an incredible memoir which charts the aforementioned author’s life as someone with autism who had an inability to communicate well for […]

Go Your Crohn Way:A Gutsy Guide To Living With Crohns Disease by Kathleen Nicholls.

Go your Crohn Way is, in the Scottish author Kathleen Nicholls words, a gutsy guide to living with Crohns disease and aims to ease those diagnosed with, or expected to […]

Join us this Thursday for a special Story Café with Catherine Czerkawska!

Pop in to the Women’s Library this Thursday 11th August from 12:30pm for another special Story Café as versatile author and playwright Catherine Czerkawska joins us to talk about her […]

Books for girls and young women on the theme of magic and myths

Our next theme for girls and young women over the next two weeks is magic and myths! Have a look at our reading list and enjoy the books available at the library or at home. If you have any books we are seeking or books related to the theme and would like to donate please do!

Books for girls and young women on the theme of Adventure

Adventure is the theme for the girls and young women section over the next two weeks. Have a look at our reading list to find themed books to enjoy. If you have any books we are seeking or books related to the theme and would like to donate please do!