Tell Her Story: Call Out for Honour-Based Violence Stories Exhibition

Do you know a woman who has endured honour-based violence?

Tragically, around 12 women in Britain are killed each year due to honour crimes. Many more cases go unreported due to fear and silence. In recognition of National Honour Based Violence Day on July 14th, Glasgow Women’s Library invites you to help us shine a light on these hidden stories.

About the Exhibition

Glasgow Women’s Library is currently hosting an exhibition called ‘Arising,’ which showcases pictures of women’s eyes and testaments of harm done to them. We aim to expand this powerful display by incorporating the stories of women who have been victims of honour crimes.

How You Can Contribute

We invite you to anonymously share the story of a woman you know who has experienced honour-based violence. Additionally, we welcome a picture of the storyteller’s eyes to accompany the testimony, symbolising the connection and support behind each story.

Your Participation Matters

By contributing, you help break the silence surrounding honour-based violence and bring much-needed awareness to this issue. Each story shared can inspire strength, solidarity, and change.

How to Submit

  • Creating a comfortable space: There is no obligation to share anything you don’t want to, please share what you feel comfortable with about your chosen women. With that in mind, creating a comfortable space within which to take part can be very helpful. Ideally, find a space where you feel calm and free to express yourself; where there are few distractions; and where you have privacy. You might want to set up some soft cushions or have a snack and a drink handy – whatever makes you feel ready to engage in your writing and tell the story of the women. You may also prefer to set up a new space away from your main living area, so you have somewhere else to relax afterwards. Here you will find some organisations you can refer to if you need support (Download PDF). 
  • Stories: Please submit a written account of the woman’s experience. Ensure it remains anonymous and focuses on her journey and the impact of honour-based violence.
  • Photos: Include a close-up photo of your eyes if you wish to visually accompany the story. This is optional but welcomed.
  • Upload the story and photo via the form on this link or email Syma at
  • Testaments can be submitted throughout the duration of the exhibition, until 31st August.
  • On Friday 12th July, we will be marking National Honour Based Violence Day by hosting an event Tell Her Story: Remembering the Hidden Victims of Honour-Based Abuse. If you would like your testament included in the exhibition, please submit by Wednesday, 10th July.

Remembering and Honouring

Across the road from Glasgow Women’s Library is our Peace Arbour, a new temporary orchard for people to acknowledge grief and imagine peaceful futures. We invite you to see the powerful exhibition and spend time in the peace harbour remembering victims of honour crimes. You are also welcome to write a wish to be tied to the wish trees, symbolising hope and remembrance.

Thank you for joining us in this vital endeavour. Together, we can honour the resilience of these women and raise awareness about honour-based violence.