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No precious words to say thanks to GWL

No doubt, my pleasant experience started from the reception’s warm welcome when I came GWL first time. They welcomed me like sisters and family members to remove my hesitation. To be honest, before coming here, I was somehow confused and had some fears how I would be behaved or what type of attitude I will have to face. But, on the contrary, the atmosphere was totally opposite. Surprisingly, it was agreeable to a great extent. In fact, I wanted a platform from where I could get familiarity and knowledge about the new country to be adjusted here.

As every country has its own singularity and culture and GWL is the best place for this purpose. Here you avail a chance to see the respectable ladies as well volunteers belonged to the different fields of life. Just through a chatting under very relaxed and comfortable atmosphere, you are aware of many things.

I believe that it is just because of welcoming and sincere dealings of GWL’s staff. When I asked Gabrielle to give me an opportunity to work as volunteer, she at once held a meeting with me and just through that meeting, I felt my confidence developed and restored. It is no doubt, because of Gabrielle’s encouraging and sincere behaviour with me. She is always very loving to satisfy our questions and confusions. I never feel hesitation to share my confusion with her to understand the things. I am here as a volunteer but I also attend the story café. Wendy organizes this literary café, always having welcoming and encouraging with the new comers as I am also a beginner as well as a learner in the creative writing. Honestly, Story Café is the best place for the ladies who have literary taste, not only for the mature writers but also for the beginners to read and share something under a very flexible atmosphere.

There has been a turning point for me when Syma involved me in her project of Textile and Activism and I availed a golden chance to develop my confidence when I expressed my views about activism and textile.

In nutshell, this library has a magical impression on the new comers to spell bound by its moral values and the projects like activism in all categories.

Saadia Pirzada

GWL Volunteer