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Full steam ahead with #FlashFictionFriday

We have been thrilled with the quality and variety of flash fiction stories submitted in response to our first #FlashFictionFriday prompt.  “Wendy’s Strange Encounter” is an image we uncovered in a 1950’s annual for girls, one of many in our archive.  Although quite typical of the images found in publications for girls at that time, we felt this image might stimulate the creative imagination – and we were not wrong. We are so pleased to be able to share these stories with you.

Red has given us a story charged with emotion and tension, hinting at a much more complex backstory with the words, “Are you angry still?”:


In Hayley’s unsettling submission,  the backstory is also to the fore.  Although we are presented with an image of what is currently happening to Wendy, it is Aunty Flo’s much more complex story which intrigues us.  A powerful sense of terror is  built into the last four words, “The chain came later”:

“In the distance, I heard my mother’s voice: ‘Come away from that strange creature, Wendy!’ You see, that’s how it’d started with Aunty Flo, the one we don’t talk about who danced for the King, a candy bar from a travelling musician. The chain came later.”

– Hayley Cross (@H_Cross_21), tweet posted Feb 8, 2019

HagwithSquirrels gives us a beautifully drawn bear-centric tale with a nod to another literary bear – Paddington! We love the detail of the hazelnut bar and are captivated by the dreaming bear:

“Quite an adventurous and nice dream you had, but you’re also not plump, when awake? You are beautifully beary!” she said. “And you know what? I now will share my hazelnutbar with you dearest bear. And with you beariest red squirrel, that you are in your dreams, too, of course!”

-HagwithSquirrels (@Hagand Squirrel), tweet posted Feb 8, 2019

Jay Dee has given us a highly imaginative setting, which is drawn with a humorous touch.  We have no difficulty imagining the story behind the story of her best-friend, the were-bear: