If you’ve visited Glasgow Women’s Library of late, you can’t help but have noticed that we are once again shrouded in scaffolding, from top to bottom and right around the building.
Fear not, as we are open as usual and this is very good news indeed as it marks the next vital stage (we call it Phase Three) of the renovations to our stunning Grade B Listed building.
With a major internal refurbishment completed at the end of 2015, incidentally scooping several major awards, we are now turning to external repairs, including stone and roof works, re-pointing and re-rendering of the gable end. It’s not the most glamourous aspect of building restoration, but soil vent pipes, flashings, gutters, corbels and purlins all need their own bit of attention if a building is to serve you well in the longer term.
We have appointed EBS Construction to undertake this complex work due to their skills and experience of working on Listed Buildings. It is expected that they will be on site until August, with fingers always crossed of course that we run on time and within budget!
This brings the total amount that we have invested in this building in capital refurbishment works to around £1.7 million since we took over the Lease in 2014, making it more accessible and welcoming as well as fully fit for its purpose – after all, it does house the only Accredited Museum in the UK dedicated to women’s history and is visited by people from all over the world.
Glasgow Women’s Library does not receive any funding for core costs and so we are thrilled and grateful to have received financial support for this Phase from Glasgow City Heritage Trust, Historic Environment Scotland, Clyde Gateway URC and the Scottish Government.