Get involved with our sister organisation Diversity Films

Glasgow Women’s Library has partnered up with 3 other organisations to develop a new model of volunteering based on a ‘cluster’ model. The four organisations comprising the volunteering cluster are Glasgow Women’s LibraryMove OnAmina- the Muslim Women’s Resource Centre, and Diversity Films.  Find out more about this project here.

Here is an opportunity to get involved with one of these exciting organisations…


Would you like to help out with a mass participation documentary film project, Northern Lights?

Diversity Films will be working with Northern Lights delivering Getting Started with Filmmaking workshops aimed at engaging with people who generally have the least access to the arts and culture in Scotland.

To help widen access to the project and support the facilitation of the workshops, we are looking for:

Social Media Volunteers to collect information from the workshops and participants to be used on Facebook and Twitter

Digital Media Volunteers to digitise workshop participants’ footage once the workshops have taken place

If you are interested in either of these roles and want to find out more check out Diversity Films’ website, or get in touch with the cluster’s Volunteer Coordinator, Gabrielle Macbeth