Glasgow Women’s Library is a unique organisation. We are the only Accredited Museum in the UK dedicated to women’s history and the depth of our community engagement and the sense of shared ownership is representative of a new way in which museums can operate and can change lives.
The organisation has grown from the grass roots through the support, donations and efforts of thousands of women and we hope to connect with our current users and attract new visitors with a public engagement campaign that will look to answer the question ‘Why a Women’s Museum?’, address the misnomer of the name and convey the unique qualities of this multi award-winning organisation.
Glasgow Women’s Library works across Scotland, is open to all and increasingly attracts international partners and visitors. Using the hashtag #MyMuseum, we will showcase our different users and articulate – in their own words – just what makes us different. The campaign will illustrate the importance of creating a museum that is grounded in social justice and equalities.