Book Week Scotland Celebrations!

Glasgow Women's Library 23 Landressy Street, Glasgow, United Kingdom

Book Week Scotland is a week-long celebration of books and reading and this year’s theme is Transformation. It’s our first Book Week Scotland in our beautifully transformed new home, so we’re celebrating in style.

Bold Types: Scottish Creative Writing Competition Showcase

Glasgow Women's Library 23 Landressy Street, Glasgow, United Kingdom

Come and hear the shortlisted writers from our Bold Types: Scottish Women's Creative Writing Competition read their stories on the theme of ‘Renewal and Transformations’ and cheer them on as the winners are announced on the night.


Kerry Conquers Among Other Women Exhibition Launch

Glasgow Women's Library 23 Landressy Street, Glasgow, United Kingdom

Celebrate the launch of Mandy McIntosh's exhibition, Kerry Conquers Among Other Women. McIntosh who was based at GWL for a year while she was Artist in Residence for the women of Glasgow until July 2015 and will exhibit works created during the residency.


Kerry Conquers Among Other Women – Mandy McIntosh Exhibition

Glasgow Women's Library 23 Landressy Street, Glasgow, United Kingdom

Artist in Residence for the women of Glasgow, Mandy McIntosh who was based at GWL for a year until July 2015 will exhibit works created during the residency.

Book Week Scotland Guided Tours of GWL at 10am or 2pm

Glasgow Women's Library 23 Landressy Street, Glasgow, United Kingdom

We're offering inspiring guided tours of our beautifully refurbished building at 10am or 2pm (45mins) as part of our Book Week Scotland events.

Film Screenings with Cinema for All: I am a Girl

Glasgow Women's Library 23 Landressy Street, Glasgow, United Kingdom

We are screening 4 fabulous films which are chosen by some of the diverse women’s groups we work with and in conjunction with Cinema for All. We continue these screenings with I am a Girl.

Love is Bright: Film Screening – Bride and Prejudice (12A)

Glasgow Women's Library 23 Landressy Street, Glasgow, United Kingdom

We are taking love from the page to the screen. Films to fall in love with and films to break your heart, the season continues with Bride and Prejudice which gives Jane Austen’s classic the Bollywood treatment where different cultures collide, creating comic tension as sparks fly between a small-town Indian girl and a wealthy American.

£3.00 – £5.00

Untold Stories of East Dunbartonshire Women, Baldernock

Baldernock Primary School Fluchter Rd, Balmore, United Kingdom

Join us at one or all of these events for tea, coffee, biscuits and informal discussion on local women from Bishopbriggs, Auchinairn, Twechar, Baldernock and throughout East Dunbartonshire. Who are the women that you most remember and why? Where did they live and what did they do? How are they remembered? From the well-known to unsung heroines, this friendly, social and informal event will include short talks, a fun women’s quiz, discussion and hands on activities to give you an introduction to Glasgow Women’s Library and some of the women’s heritage projects that are happening across Scotland, including the new interactive Women of Scotland website that maps monuments to women across Scotland.

Bring and Borrow Book Bonanza

Glasgow Women's Library 23 Landressy Street, Glasgow, United Kingdom

Bring and Borrow Book Bonanza where we’ll be aiming to announcing our 3,000 borrower and presenting them with a wonderful, book-themed prize as part of our celebrations for Book Week Scotland.

Tips for Girls (27th November)

Glasgow Women's Library 23 Landressy Street, Glasgow, United Kingdom

Glasgow Women’s Library’s archive is full of top tips for girls. Starting with a fun rummage in our archives, we’ll be exploring some of the helpful - and not so helpful – advice for women in our collection.