What is sectarianism? How does it affect women and what role can and do women play in tackling it?
In a relaxed atmosphere we will explore these questions and share our views on and experiences of sectarianism.
Whether you feel you have been directly involved or affected by sectarianism or not, we are interested in finding out what this issue means to you as a woman and how it affects others.
As part of our Mixing the Colours project, Glasgow Women’s Library is developing a new resource for women including accessible books (fiction and non-fiction), stories, poems and films which have themes that help open up discussion on the impact of sectarianism on women worldwide.
We can also facilitate a range of book and film discussion and creative writing workshops, which help women’s groups and organisations explore how sectarianism affects their lives.
This event is free of charge. Please click here to book your free place(s) or contact us on 0141 248 9969 for more information.