Join us for a series of themed events rolled out over the seasons (Autumn, Winter and Spring) which will involve visiting local outdoor spaces and woodlands to increase physical activity, using plants and herbs to make exciting products (such as face creams, healing massage oils, sweet fruit vinegars), sharing stories of traditional folklore/country tales and learning how to utilise and preserve the local outdoor environment.
This project is funded by the Community Seedcorn Fund who are keen to connect diverse communities with the outdoor environment. Therefore we are keen for BME women to take part in this fascinating project.
Taking place over three seasons, come along to all sessions or just the ones you can manage.
Meet the living tales, the great beech, the mighty oak, the hankerchief tree and more! Followed by a walk in the woods, folklore, traditional and medicinal knowledge of trees and plants found along the way with herb tea tasting and make a herbal remedy to take home.
Folklore, family tales and memories. Sharing remedies; personal experiences; group members to share what they have prepared; tea tastings. Professional storyteller to “tell a story” of woodlands and healing experiences, with a focus on woods, winter and autumn tales.
Winter the wood at rest….but what is going on behind the scenes? Preparing the ground and sewing the seeds.
These events are free of charge but booking is essential so we can ensure you have all the details of where we are meeting, when and the travel arrangements. Please click here to book your free place(s) or contact Syma on 0141 248 9969 for more information. We have a small budget to reimburse travel.
This work has been supported by the Community Seedcorn Fund (CSF) of the Forestry Commission Scotland.