This pioneering women’s heritage walk reveals a hidden history of the West End of Glasgow: pipe-smoking forewomen, revolting schoolmistresses, and the unique car made by and for women. A unique and inspiring insight into the hitherto unsung women who made the West End.

This walk takes you from Kelvingrove Museum and Art Gallery to the Suffragette Oak, following in the footsteps of women who have a connection to the area through work, protest and education. Glasgow Women’s Library made history itself by creating this guided walking tour in 2007; the first one to focus on the pioneering women of the city.
As we pass the 10th anniversary of the creation of GWL’s Women’s Heritage Walks, there’s no better time to join us on a gentle wander to take in the lesser known histories of the West End and celebrate the achievements of the determined, committed and inspiring women who shaped Glasgow’s history.
“On Sunday, I joined the GWL West End walking tour and am now a signed up fan! What an inspiring and enlightening evening. Really fascinating. The guides were wonderful and made it so interesting and entertaining. Have been telling all my friends to go since.”
Audio Tour and Map
If you’d prefer to take the tour at your own pace, you can download an audio version or a PDF map to explore the locations. The audio version is available to download below in either MP4 or MP3 versions, and is also available in German. Please note that the audio tours are supplied as a .zip folder – you will have to download and un-zip this folder before transferring the audio tour to your audio player or smart phone.
- Download: West End Women’s Heritage Walk Audio Tour (MP4)
- Download: West End Women’s Heritage Walk Audio Tour (MP3)
Deutsche Audioführung der Frauengeschichte im Glasgower West End
Aufgrund des riesigen Erfolges unseres Glasgower West End-Frauenspaziergangs mit Karte ist das ‚Women Make History Team‘ mit der ersten Audioführung eines Glasgower Frauenspaziergangs wieder in die Geschichtsbücher eingegangen.
Von pfeiffenrauchenden Aufseherinnen bis zu protestierenden Schulprofessorinnen deckt der Rundgang die geheime Geschichte des West Ends auf. Er ermöglicht einen einzigartigen und inspirienden Einblick in die bisher unbekannten Leben der Frauen, die das West End ausmachten.
- Herunterladen: Deutsche Audioführung der Frauengeschichte im Glasgower West End (MP4)
- Herunterladen: Deutsche Audioführung der Frauengeschichte im Glasgower West End (MP3)
West End Women’s Heritage Walk Map
The West End Women’s Heritage Walk is also available as a map, so you can enjoy the highlights of the tour in your own time. The map is free to pick up from GWL or you can download a copy here.
Download: West End Women’s Heritage Walk Map (PDF)
Download: Large Print West End Women’s Heritage Walk