The film and audio oral history interview excerpts below are used as primary source material throughout the lessons in the Speaking Out young people’s learning resource.
For ease of use the material has been divided according to which lesson it’s used in.
Please be aware that some of the interview subjects discuss issues which some listeners may find upsetting (e.g. details of domestic abuse experience).
Click or tap the tiles to play your chosen selection. [This function is currently broken – please bear with us! The recordings can be listened to in the playlists below]
Lesson 2, Activity 1 & 3
Lesson 3, Activity 1 & 2

Film: Speaking Out: Recalling Women’s Aid in Scotland
These media resources are intended to be used alongside the downloadable lessons available in Speaking Out Learning Resource Downloads. Links to references & further reading are also available.
This project was funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund, and was a partnership between Scottish Women’s Aid, Glasgow Women’s Library, the Glasgow University Centre for Gender History and Women’s History Scotland.