Books, Journal Articles and Exhibition Catalogues

Aukeman, Anastasia., ed. Division of Labor: “Women’s Work” in Contemporary Art. New York: Bronx Museum of the Arts, 1995.
Barber, Fionna. “In Focus: Strategies for Women’s Art Practice.” Circa, no. 33 (March 1, 1987): 11–12.
Broude, Norma, and Mary D. Garrard, eds. The Power of Feminist Art: The American Movement of the 1970s, History and Impact. New York: Abrams, 1994.
Butler, Cornelia and Lisa Gabrielle Mark eds. WACK!: Art and the Feminist Revolution. Los Angeles, California : Cambridge, Massachusetts . ; London: Museum of Contemporary Art ; MIT Press, 2007.
Chicago, Judy and Miriam Schapiro. “A Feminist Art Program.” Art Journal 31, no. 1 (1971): 48-49.
Chicago, Judy. Through the Flower: My Struggle as a Woman Artist. London: Women’s Press, 1982.
Davis, Kate, Role Forward. Glasgow: Centre for Contemporary Arts; Sorcha Dallas, 2010.
Detterer, Gabriele, and Maurizio Nannucci, eds. Artist-Run Spaces: Nonprofit Collective Organizations In the 1960s and 1970s. Documents Series 7. Zurich: JRP/Ringier, 2012.
Fields, Jill ed. Entering the Picture : Judy Chicago, The Fresno Feminist Art Program, and the Collective Visions of Women Artists. New York: Routledge, 2012.
Fields, Jill, ed. Entering the Picture: Judy Chicago, the Fresno Feminist Art Program, and the Collective Visions of Women Artists. New Directions in American History. New York ; London: Routledge, 2012.
Friedan, Betty. The Feminine Mystique. New ed. Penguin Modern Classics. London: Penguin Books, 2010.
Glasgow School of Art. Studio 58: Women Artists in Glasgow since World War II. Edited by Sarah Lowndes. Glasgow: Glasgow School of Art, 2012.
Glasgow Women’s Library. 21 Revolutions: New Writing and Prints Inspired by the Collection at Glasgow Women’s Library. Edited by Adele Patrick. Glasgow: Glasgow Women’s Library : Freight Books, 2014.
Jeffrey, Moira, ed. Generation: 25 Years of Contemporary Art in Scotland: Reader and Guide. Edinburgh; Glasgow: National Galleries of Scotland and Glasgow Life, 2014.
Lovejoy, Annie. Interfaces of location and memory: an exploration of place through context-led arts practice. PhD thesis, University of the Arts, London, 2011.
Meyer, Laura. ed A Studio of Their Own : The Legacy of the Fresno Feminist Experiment. Fresno: Press at California State University, 2009.
Milton Keynes Gallery. Cathy Wilkes, Milton Keynes Gallery 2008. Edited by Emma Dean, Michael Stanley, and Cathy Wilkes. Milton Keynes: Milton Keynes Gallery, 2009.
Parker, Rozsika, and Griselda Pollock, eds. Framing Feminism: Art and the Women’s Movement 1970-85. London ; New York: Pandora, 1987.
Patrick, Adele. “Boy Trouble: Some Problems Resulting from ‘Gendered’ Representation of Glasgow’s Culture in the Education of Women Artists and Designers.” In Generation: 25 Years of Contemporary Art in Scotland, edited by Moira Jeffrey, 49–60. Edinburgh; Glasgow: National Galleries of Scotland and Glasgow Life, 2014.
Roberts, Julie., Rachael Harris and Cathy Wilkes, eds. Castlemilk Womanhouse, exhibition catalogue, Glasgow: Women in Profile, 1990.
Robinson, Hilary. “The Women’s Movement in Art Education.” Circa, no. 89 (October 1, 1999): 6–7.
Sarah Lowndes. Social Sculpture : The Rise of the Glasgow Art Scene New ed. Edinburgh: Luath, 2010.
Schapiro, Miriam. “The Education of Women as Artists: Project Womanhouse.” Art Journal 31, no. 3 (1972): 268-70.
Vance, Ann. “Art Activism and Oppositionality Essays from Afterimage.” Variant, no. 8 (n.d.).
Womanhouse. [Valencia: Feminist Art Program, California Institute of the Arts, 1972.
Woolf, Virginia. A Room of One’s Own, London: Penguin Books, 2004.
Films and Archive Footage
Castlemilk Womanhouse, directed by Anne-Marie Copestake. Online version of Video Recording. Arts and Cultural Development Office, South East Area, Glasgow City Council, 1995. .
Davis, Kate. “Interview with Adele Patrick, 11 March 2014, Glasgow Women’s Library.” Castlemilk Womanhouse Collection, Glasgow Women’s Library, 2014.
Davis, Kate. “Interview with Claire Barclay, 6 July 2014, in Claire Barclays Studio.” Castlemilk Womanhouse Collection, Glasgow Women’s Library, 2014.
Davis, Kate. “Interview with Lorraine and Stephanie Sharp, 25 April 2014, Castlemilk Community Centre.” Castlemilk Womanhouse Collection, Glasgow Women’s Library, 2014.
Davis, Kate. “Interview with Rachael Harris, 23 March 2014, Glasgow Women’s Library.” Castlemilk Womanhouse Collection, Glasgow Women’s Library, 2014.
Judy Chicago & the California Girls, directed by Judith Dancoff (1971), videorecording/DVD, California Girl Productions, 2008.
Womanhouse, directed by Joanna Demetrakas (1974), videorecording/DVD, Los Angeles, Women Make Movies, 2005.
Online Resources
Annie Lovejoy, “Annie Lovejoy Artist Website,”
“Art Now: Claire Barclay: Half-Light: About the Artist.”
“Julie Roberts | Audio Arts | Tate.”
“Subject in Process | Glasgow Women’s Library.”
Catrin Williams “Catrin Williams Artist Website”,
Connersmith. “Julie Roberts– Artists Biography”,
Eler, Alicia. “Waiting for Faith Wilding on the Internet.” Hyperallergic.
Generation. “Julie Roberts – Artists Page”,
Greenroomutd. “Doo-Cot (1990-2007) : Rachael Field and Nenagh Watson”,
Modern Institute. “Cathy Wilkes Bio,”
Müller, Ulrike. Re-tracing the Feminist Art Program, 1996.
Rachael Field, “Rachael Field Artist Website”,
Ross, Monica. “History or Not.” Women’s Art Library,
Royal Central School of Speech and Drama. “Nenagh Watson Profile”,
Smith, Sarah. “In Celebration of Grassroots and Grass Widows: Women’s Art Collaborations in Glasgow () | MAP Magazine.”
SubRosa. “Womanhouse.” Womanhouse Refugia Archive,
Susan Steele, “Susan Steele: Artists Webstie”,
Tea. “Tea – Val Murray, Peter Hatton and Lynn Pilling”,
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