Collect:if is a fabulous new network bringing together Women of Colour (WoC) who are established figures in the arts, culture and creative industries in Scotland and those who are developing their practice.

We aim to explore the challenges affecting Black and Minority Ethnic women in the Arts and create opportunities for them to progress in their field of work. Furthermore, we aim to inform and assist mainstream arts organisations in meeting the EDI (Equality, Diversity and Inclusion) standards within their service provision.
The initial collaboration meeting in April 2016 brought together a great mix of WoC creatives to discuss plans for the network. Initially, the network will serve as a platform to connect a wide range of WoC creatives to share practice and encourage collaborative work. Depending on the needs identified by the members, we will organise ‘Mistress’ classes for them to expand in their practice and learn new skills e.g. workshop on how to self-publish delivered by an established writer.

A monthly email bulletin is sent to the network members which includes information on events, workshops, seminars, call for artists and other similar posts relevant to WoC creatives. Members are also encouraged to send information they would like to share with the network.
We intend to hold a few meetings in the year leading up to a collaborative Herland event with WoC creatives in May 2017.
Whether you are a professional or new in your practice, we welcome all WoC creatives!
If you would like more information or wish to join Collect:if then please email Syma Ahmed at