Superseded Events category

This Events category is no longer used – please see our Events Calendar for information about upcoming events!

Glasgow in the Making: Women’s West End Walk and Talk

For Glasgow in the Making we are holding our pioneering women’s heritage walk revealing a hidden history of the West End of Glasgow. A unique and inspiring insight into the hitherto unsung women who made the West End. Followed by refreshments and discussion at the Albany Learning and Conference Centre.

Clydebank Women’s History Taster Session

Come along and find out about the Clydebank women’s history group. At this taster you can meet some of the group and find out about how you can learn the skills to become a women’s history detective.

Women Make History Workshops

Following on from our successful oral histories session in June there will be a chance to practice recording and to have a go at transcription. New comers welcome to join.

Clydebank HerStory Scrapbooking Session

Use a fabulous range of creative paper, gems and embellishments to create a scrapbook page to capture special moments in your life.

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My Life in Books

The second in our series of events looking at the role of books in women’s lives. Following on from our successful crime fiction event, this will focus on when books come late in women’s lives.

WMH Film Night: You Play Your Part & Red Skirts

Part of our Women Make History workshops programme we are having a film night, watching 2 shorts films based on the Govan Rent strikes: Red Skirts on Clydeside and You Play Your Part.

Summer Walks in Inverness for Women and their Families

Come along for a short introductory walk around the beautiful Merkinch local nature reserve right in the heart of Inverness.

Summer Programme: The Hindu Temple

A chance to tour the Hindu Temple of Glasgow and learn about women in Hinduism.

Summer Programme: Arts and Crafts

Use a fabulous range of creative paper, gems and embellishments to create a scrapbook to capture special moments in your life. You can also create a lovely scrapbook documenting your experience of taking part in GWL summer programme!

Summer Programme: Central Mosque and People’s Palace

Come along for a tour of the first purpose built mosque in Glasgow followed by a screening of ‘Hijab, the light behind the veil’, a short documentary created by AMINA – The Muslim Women’s Resource Centre in Scotland. The documentary touches upon the dress code of Muslim women and how the issue of Hijab has a local, national and international significance for Muslim women and their communities alike. We will also visit the Peoples Palace in Glasgow Green for light hearted tour and some lunch!