Category: Young Critics blog

Young Critics are our fabulous team of young women who use social media to promote and review GWL’s exciting events and activities while developing their own skills and confidence and getting behind the scenes with artists, writers and creative women involved in our programme of talks, exhibitions and cultural activities.

Become a GWL Young Critic

We are looking for young women who’d like to find out more about either films, art, books, music, dance (or all of these!) by women artists and who’d like to learn how they can help GWL to reach more young women using blogging and social media.

Cultural connections: Maud Sulter review

As a woman of mixed heritage Young Critic Leyla Bumbra has been described as ‘exotic’ more times than she cares to remember. So it is with relief and admiration that she views the work of Maud Sulter at Street Level’s stunning new exhibition.

‘Dancing in a Circle’: Romany Dear review

Romany Dear successfully makes dance and performance accessible to new audiences. And you can squeeze in a quick supermarket shop in your lunch hour too, find Young Critics Lynn Pilkington and Una Burnley