Category: Blog

Staff, volunteers and student placements share updates from projects and events at Glasgow Women’s Library

The Glenburn Girls celebrate

With the prevailing weather conditions during the weeks before christmas, our planned celebration and book launch for the Glenburn Girls group looked a bit touch and go. However, on Wednesday […]

Raffle draw

Our raffle draw will take place at 4pm tomorrow, Wednesday 15th December.

If you’ve bought tickets, please do come and join us for the draw!

Young Hearts Run Free

Last weekend I attended the London Metropolitan Archive’s 8th Annual LGBT Archives and History conference. Despite changes to the programme due to the snowy weather, it was a full and […]

Write On

As the winter nights draw in and the weeks start marching towards Christmas, there is nothing better than curling up with a cup of tea and a good book. However, […]

Jackie Kay Reading

Readings by Jackie Kay from her newly published memoirs Red Dust Road.

Feminist Women’s Magazines

Exploring the history of British women’s magazines provides an insight into what has and has not changed for women over the years. Everywoman remains highly current in that many of the issues addressed (such as the non-payment of child support) are ongoing inequities.