Wendy Kirk

Story Café: music, laughter and the art of storytelling

As part of our 30th anniversary, we’re looking back to move forward. I’ve been casting my mind back to some of my own highlights from Story Café (too many to […]

Travelling the world at Story Cafe

Aaah Story Café…from the insightful, generous chat, to the big brown teapot, it’s a magical thing to be part of. With our 30th anniversary celebrations well under way, I’ll be […]

From crime fiction to cold snaps: Story Cafe magic this winter

Pauline gives us another fantastic snapshot of what we’ve been reading and chatting about at Story Cafe… Work in Progress – Dr Donna Moore We were pleased to hear, when […]

30 years of books

Question: How do you build a library with zero book budget?

Answer: With bucket loads of generosity and a crack team of amazing volunteers.

Book cover of Jackie Kay's biography of Bessie Smith. It shows a black and white photograph of Bessie, look, with 'Bessie Smith' in large yellow writing

Story Cafe: Sept & Oct round up!

It’s another Story Cafe round up by Pauline! Find out what we’ve been reading and chatting about in September and October.

Story Cafe Special with Laura Bissell, people are sitting around in circle, with Laura sitting at the front reading from her book.

Story Cafe round-up!

What’s been happening at Story Cafe over the last few months? Pauline gives us a brilliant round-up!

Ingrid Pollard: Carbon slowly turning

Reviewed by Caroline. When Carbon Slowly Turning, a new book that gives a stunning overview of artist and photographer Ingrid Pollard’s practice, spanning 40 years, arrived at Glasgow Women’s library […]

Book Groups Beyond Borders

Being a Librarian, it’s no surprise that I LOVE to chat about books with people when they come into the Library, but the world of Zoom does have its benefits…For […]

Literature Beyond Borders

We’re absolutely thrilled to be embarking on a new friendship with The Second Floor (T2F) at PeaceNiche, a not-for-profit NGO based in Karachi, Pakistan. This partnership is possible with thanks to the British Council.

Screenshot from GWL Covid-19 Safety Procedures video - our librarian opens a plastic box for a visitor to place a returned book into. They are both wearing facemasks.

Introducing ‘Select and Collect’ book borrowing

We’re delighted to be able to start lending books again, with our new ‘Select and Collect’ service, which you can start using from Wednesday 2nd September.