George Floyd by Jo Beth Gray

As part of our Open the Door Feedback Festival we’re delighted to share a poem written by Jo Beth Gray.

Open the Door started in 2015 with the aim of creating ‘a unique annual celebration of and advocate for women’s writing across Scotland. We are passionately committed to bringing women’s writing to as wide an audience as possible. The Festival is run by Glasgow Women’s Library and rooted in values agreed in wider consultation with academics, writers and readers.

This year’s festival is about gathering feedback from people who took part, to help us shape future festivals. Here is what Jo said about the festival:

Open the Door festival has impacted me and my writing since it’s beginning in 2017, from listening to the inspirational speakers, to the fun and informative workshops, to meeting other participants and being inspired by their creativity. The festival always has an encouraging, highly creative, inclusive energy. Having the opportunity to share some of my poems at the in-person open mic event in 2019, then as part of the Calm Slam online in 2020 with my poem ‘Speaking Up’, has helped develop my confidence about sharing my writing. Volunteering to review some of the workshops online during 2020 was a fascinating and useful experience personally and collectively, and one in which I felt honoured to be part of the feedback for improving the festival.

I’d hoped to share this poem during Open The Door festival in 2021 but my health circumstances meant I was unable to. I wrote this poem as a personal response to hearing about the killing of George Floyd and the surrounding circumstances. The visuals were made by me as part of an Audacious Women’s film making workshop. I do not normally feel confident in publicly expressing an opinion, especially about politics or racism, but the Glasgow Women’s Library and Open The Door festivals in particular have been instrumental in helping me begin to formulate and express my feelings on these important subjects. I hope this poem inspires people to feel able to write their own creative response.

Jo Beth Gray

During our 30th anniversary year, we’re asking people what they think about Open the Door and what they would like to see in the future. Even if you’ve never been to Open the Door before, we really want to hear from you! Please fill out our online survey here. Your answers can be as long or short as you like. Thanks for your help!