Seeking donations: books for girls and young women

Reading is a great way to involve children in learning. Through reading they explore new ideas and facts about the world as well as improving their literacy skills. As these children grow up, they will have a very positive association with books and will continue their journey in learning making them confident and literate individuals.

Book shelves. Fiction for girls and young adult books already available at GWL.
Fiction for girls and young adult books already available at GWL.

At Glasgow Women’s Library, we encourage reading from a very young age and want to foster a love of books which lasts a lifetime. For young girls growing up in our society, it is important they know how valued they are in the world and read books where females are strong, central characters to the stories. It is also important that there are seen to be female authors on the shelves to inspire young girls to read them or to take up writing or illustrating themselves.

The library is working on expanding the Fiction for Young Women and Children sections and we are looking for any donations you can offer. We welcome all books for ages 0-20 years old by women authors.

Over the summer, we will be focusing on a different theme every fortnight, making suggestions of books for girls and young women and publishing a wishlist of books we would love to add to our lending library. Check our our Reading Ideas page for some suggestions.

If you can help us please contact us via phone, email or drop by in person.