What Women Talk About When They Talk About Sex: Podcast #3

This is the third in a series of podcasts that share some of the discussion from a group ‘What women talk about when they talk about sex’ that took place at Glasgow Women’s Library during spring and Summer 2015 as part of our Sex in The Women’s Library Season supported by the Wellcome Trust.

Quote from What Women Talk about When They Talk About Sex discussion group participantThe internet has been a way to find other people who were like me, fellow queer people. The identity of being sexual has grown up alongside the internet, it is very, so intimately connected to that and I think it’s really interesting that that is allowing new spaces for people to find new ways to identify new language.

In this discussion session the group share their differing views and experiences of sex and sexuality and the internet. How have women found communities online that have been beneficial in the formation of their sexual selves? The group discusses the negative aspects and fears they have about the web revolution, gender, sex and power. The discussion then shifts to the terrain of parental attitudes about sexuality and learning and teaching about sex as mothers.

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