Its so nice to have Seeing Things off and underway! January and February were filled with some incredible events. Among them a visit to the People’s Palace collection, a fantastic trip to the Scottish Opera’s ‘Opera Unwrapped’ event for their new production of Don Pasquale, a trip to the CCA to see their marvellous Speaking In Tongues exhibition, a trip to see the Fruitmarket’s Louise Bourgeois ‘I Give Everything Away’ exhibition and a visit to the Citizens to see their fabulous production of Glasgow Girls.

All of these visits were incredible, and we would like to thank the Scottish Opera, CCA and Fruitmarket in particular for arranging tickets and tours for the group to visit. The Seeing Things blog will be full of posts and reviews about our group visits so check back to see the groups thoughts on these trips. Many of the posts you see on this blog will also contain links to Seeing Things members own personal blogs, so if you see a review you like I would encourage you to explore their personal blogs and websites – they’re great!
If you would like to attend events, exhibitions and performances like this, then please get in touch with the library by emailing or by call in to see us.