We are very happy and excited to announce that the Licence to Occupy our new premises is now finalised.
This agreement can now trigger progress with the handover of keys and the mobilisation of the various contractors we have had on standby. At the moment, should all go according to plan, we will physically relocate during the week of 21st October. We will need to close to the public for 2-3 weeks – notionally starting the week of 14th October, re-opening early November.

The completion of this first stage will enable access to the lending library materials but only very limited access to the archive and museum collections. Stage 2 (involving major internal refurbishment works to build our dedicated archive and museum spaces and a new learning venue space) will take longer, with likely completion in early 2014.
We will keep you up to date with developments – sign up to our mailing list to get regular news from GWL. In the meantime, thank you for your ongoing patience – it will all be worth it!
We still need to raise funds, both towards this building work and towards running costs for the upkeep of this remarkable, important building, so please do support us through our Women on the Shelf initiative or by sponsoring our intrepid team in running the Half Marathon for GWL.